Debate infographic/Reflection
I picked this topic, because as this is a topic that I feel decently strongly about, I knew it would be very easy to argue either side. I feel much more strongly that weed should be legal, so thi smade the choice fairly easy for me. The only concern I had was that there might not be enough research on my side. This wasn’t much of a problem though.
It actually wasn’t very hard to only research one side, as I felt very strongly about my side. I feel like if it was a topic that I was in the middle of, it would be hard to shut out the other side. Also, I feel like my side would have been the easier of the two sides to find information and statistics on.
I made my infographic brief and easy to read over loding it with tons and tons of statictics/information. I feel like this style is more captivating and makes it hader for people to tune it out. I made it green, as that is obviously the color of weed. I used icons from piktochart, as it was very hard to add pictures from the internet.
I believe my infographic should be successful in convince my classmates, as it is short and to the point, while still containing enough information.
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